Novel Coronavirus
UPDATE – 16/03/2021
I hope you are all well and beginning to enjoy your new-found freedoms, well as much as we can.
No doubt, by now you would be aware that we have come out of “Lockdown” and entered “Alert Level 4” restrictions covering the whole of Wales from Saturday 13th March.
This means that that organised events at your club are not permitted while we remain at Alert Level 4. However, limited play can occur between a maximum of 4 people from two households, therefore your club may allow singles play to take place between two people from the same household or from two different households. Also, doubles play may take place from the same or two different households according to your club’s Covid-19 Guidelines. These restrictions will be in place until the end of March when it is hoped we shall move from Alert Level 4 to Alert Level 3; however, that is up to each one of us to do our part and follow the Welsh Governments Covid-19 guidelines.
The Welsh Governments advice regarding Alert Level 4 can be found here, and there are links to our updated Guidelines for Clubs and Players on our COVID-19 page.
We will issue a further update as soon as we become aware of them.
Tony Smith
National President.