UPDATE – 01/04/2021
The Welsh Government has issued a roadmap out of lockdown late on 31st March to avoid being suspected as an April Fool’s joke. Unfortunately, for organised outdoor activities/sports, they are now scheduled to restart on 3rd May; this is very disappointing, especially after all the hard work that all the NGBs in Wales has undertaken to ensure that their sport is Covid-19 safe.
The Welsh Government’s full press release can be read here.
The Welsh Sports Association (WSA) has issued a statement today, reflecting how the news has been received, a copy of which can be read here.
This still means that your club’s organised events are not permitted as we have not formally entered Alert Level 3.
However, limited play can occur between a maximum of 6 people from two households. Therefore, your club may allow singles to play between two people from the same household or two different households. Also, doubles and triples play may occur from the same or two different households according to your club’s Covid-19 Guidelines.
The Welsh Governments advice regarding Alert Level 4 can be found here, and there are links to our updated Guidelines for Clubs and Players on our COVID-19 page.
Further announcements by the First Minister are still expected to be made later this month. However, we will issue a further update as soon as we become aware of them.
Tony Smith
National President.