The Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) will be held face-to-face at Monkstone PC and online using Zoom, enabling all members of the Association to attend and be updated on the latest news.
This will be the first time that both meeting formats will be used to enable our club in North Wales to attend.
Before the start of the OGM, a short meeting will be held to present the audited accounts for the 2023 financial year, which were unavailable at the AGM. A vote will be taken to accept the audited accounts.
Those entitled and wishing to present proposals at the meeting shall submit their motions to the National Secretary at least three days (Monday, May 6th) before the meeting.
Remember that Affiliate members are not entitled to vote.
Draft Agenda:
- receive apologies for absence.
- receive Officers’ Reports.
- consider and, if so resolved, approve motions from Clubs submitted in accordance with the Constitution and Rules.
- hold an open forum.
- consider such other business as the Presiding Officer may admit (No vote to be taken).
To register for the Zoom Meeting, click the link below: