Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – UPDATE 16/12/2020


Novel Coronavirus


UPDATE – 16/12/2020

I hope you and you families are continuing to stay safe and well.

You will, no doubt, have seen the Welsh Government’s (WG) announcement today of the introduction of the “Alert Level 4” restrictions covering the whole of Wales from Monday 28th December.

The Government’s Coronavirus Control Plan: Alert Levels in Wales, shows how the different Levels affect Outdoor Activities and Sport. Level 4 means that organised outdoor activities and sports are NOT permitted.

This means that all Clubs MUST NOT meet for organised play while we remain at Alert Level 4.

Organised Activities and Sports


The WG advice can be found here (and there is a link to this on our COVID-19 page.

We will issue a further update as soon as we have it.




Robert Pugh

National President.