The WPA v BIG League 2024 – CANCELLED

The WPA v BIG Competition

Update: 31/08/2024

Unfortunately, due to the low number of teams required for tomorrow’s competition, the WPA and BIG sadly have agreed to cancel the competition.

I want to thank all the Division 2 players who came forward to take on the BIG League, and I hope this will not affect you from entering the competition in 2025.

We will be meeting with the BIG League to ensure this does not happen again.

Update: 30/08/2024

Date: Sunday 1st September 2024
Venue: Monkstone Petanque Club

Team Arrival: by 09:15
Play Begin: 10:00 latest

Control Table: Tony Smith (WPA)

Number of Teams:  11 teams per league

Format of the day:

  • Rounds 1 to 3
  • Lunch (approximately 1 hour)
  • Rounds 4 to 6
  • Results
  • Presentation

Competition Format: 

  • Each team will play six games
  • Teams ranked 1 to 6 will play each other
  • Teams ranked 7 to 11 will play each other, with round 6 being a repeat of round 1. 
  • Lanes will be allocated for each round

Click here to open the proposed playing format.

Update: 28/08/2024

The BIG League has not yet confirmed the number of teams they have for Sunday. However, the following ranking will apply to the WPA teams.

We now have the twelve teams required for the competition, with one reserve team and two teams listed requiring a second player.

This is a fun competition, so if you want to participate, complete the form below. All new entries will be placed on the reserve list.

Many of you would have seen the communication regarding this year’s WPA v BIG competition, provisionally scheduled for 11th August.

After a discussion today with the BIG, it has been decided that the competition will be held on Saturday, 31st August, or Sunday, 1st September. The date will be confirmed after the BIG committee meets next week.

However, if you play for your club in Division 2 and wish to participate, find yourself a partner and complete the registration form below.

At this stage, we do not know exactly how many doubles teams we will need, but as they say, the earlier you get your names on the list, the better it is to avoid disappointment. If you haven’t played in the League this year but want to participate, again complete the form and send it in.